TimeTabler NewsLetter : January 2010
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Dear Timetabler,
A Happy New Year to all our readers, and we wish you success with this year's timetable.
Our aim is to provide clear and practical Help & Advice to make it easier this year.
In this month's NewsLetter we have some suggestions of what you should be considering this* month.
In this issue:
1. News of TimeTabler 2010.
2. Finalising changes to the curricular structure.
3. Optional subjects
4. Options Booklet & Careers Evening.
5. Devising an Options Form.
6. Using Options 2010.
This month's Key Topics : Features you may need:
7. Scheduling small schools, Special Schools,
and small 'sixth forms'.
8. Class Scheduling Names.
1. TimeTabler 2010
The new Upgrade to TimeTabler 2010, with new features based on the WishList items submitted by Users, will be released at the end of January (and TT2009 will stop at the end of February).
To order the new version, see the Upgrade Order Form at :
2. Finalising the Curricular Structure
The NewsLetters for November and December discussed the process of looking at possible changes to the Curricular Structure (eg. the number of Maths 'sets'), and this process should now be finalised, so that you can move on to the next step.
3. Optional Subjects
The next step is to look at the arrangement of Optional (Elective) Subjects, usually for next year's Year 10 and Year 12.
Section 3.4 (page 43) in 'The Timetabler's CookBook' discusses the 3 main methods used by schools to determine the arrangement of Subjects in the Option Blocks (columns). Method C is the best, in that it aims to respond as the needs of the school's population changes from year to year.
4. Options Booklet and Careers Evening
If your school provides students with an 'Options Booklet', this will need to be revised to take account of any changes this year in the Subjects to be offered. See the sample in Section 3.5 (page 45) in the CookBook.
It is best distributed in connection with a Parents' Evening, or a Careers Evening if you provide one.
5. Options Form
The Options Booklet needs to be distributed with an Options Form, which allows the students & parents to indicate their preferred Choices, perhaps with a Reserve Choice. See page 46 in the CookBook.
You may wish to include a sentence with the idea that "every effort will be made but your Choices cannot be guaranteed".
The vetting of the Options Forms and the analysis of the Clash Table, etc, will be discussed in next month's NewsLetter.
6. Options : Using software to make it much easier
The analysis of the students' Choices (next month) should be swift and easy.
If you are using unfriendly software (such as that bundled with your Admin System), or you are doing it manually, you will certainly find that our Options software will save you a lot of time, and satisfy more students & parents.
To see Users' Comments about options software, click on : http://www.timetabler.com/comments-more.html#options
To get a free Tutorial version of Options, visit http://www.timetabler.com/download.html or send an email to support@timetabler.com
To print out a copy of the latest Options Handbook, visit : http://www.timetabler.com/Options-Handbook.pdf
To buy a printed & bound copy of the latest Options Handbook, visit : http://www.timetabler.com/paypal.html
7. Key Topic 1 : Scheduling small schools, Special Schools, and small '6th Forms'
If you work in a school with any of these features, then Worked Example 1 (in Section I of your Manual) is usually the best method to use.
There is now a very helpful illustrated Case Study on the 'The Dickens Special School' in the KnowledgeBase in the Support Centre.
To see it, click on within TimeTabler,
and then enter 'special school' or 'small sixth' in the Search Box:
8. Key Topic 2 : Class Scheduling Names
These can be a stumbling block for new Users. If you have now completed your Curriculum Diagram, and have any uncertainty about the best Class Scheduling Names, now would be a good time to send the Curriculum Diagram to the Support Centre HelpLine, so that we can advise you on the best Class Scheduling Names.
See also Section C6 in your Manual, and HelpMovies Nos. 15, 16, 17, 18.
Best wishes,
Chris Johnson
Keith Johnson
PS1. To see last month's Newsletter, click on: http://www.timetabler.com/eNewsLetter/NewsLetter--December-2009.html
PS2. Next month's Newsletter (February) will look at vetting Options Forms; the Clash Table and deciding the Options Blocks.
PS3. If you know another timetabler, who might be interested in the contents of this Newsletter, please feel free to forward it to them.
* PS4. This Newsletter is geared to the second term in the UK. Our apologies to our international Users, but we hope that you will save this Newsletter until the appropriate time of year for you.
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