TimeTabler NewsLetter : October 2010
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Dear Timetabler,
Welcome to your monthly TimeTabler newsletter, with useful hints and tips for both new and experienced timetablers.
Now that the new term* is well under way, here are some timetabling suggestions for what to do this month.
In this issue:
1. If you are New to timetabling.
2. Assessing your current timetable.
3. Now that your Export is completed...
4. The current version of TimeTabler.
5. Installing the programs on a new computer.
6. This month's Key Topic : Dealing with Part-timers.
7. News.
8. Thinking ahead to Options 2011.
1. If you are New to timetabling
If you are new to Timetabling, or new to TimeTabler, then please click on:
to see the quickest way to learn about TimeTabler.
'The Timetabler's CookBook' is the essential guide to all aspects of timetabling ...full details are shown at: http://www.timetabler.com/book.html
For details of timetabling courses visit : http://www.timetabler.com/inset-courses.html
2. Assessing your current timetable
This is a topic that many timetablers would prefer to ignore ...but it is important to make some assessment of how the timetable is actually working out in practice.
In 'The Timetabler's CookBook', section 11.19 explains what you can look for in this assessment ...and page 175 shows you 12 (twelve!) different ways to do it.
3. Feedback about your Export
By now you will have completed the Export of your timetable from TimeTabler to your MIS (eg. SIMS .net, Phoenix e1, RM Integris, CMIS-Facility, WCBS/PASS, SchoolBase, iSAMS, etc, etc).
Now would be a good time to feed back to us any comments that you have, and any ways in which you would like the Export to be improved. Please send your comments to: support@timetabler.com
4. The current version of TimeTabler, Options and StaffCover
As you know, we regularly provide free updates during the course of the year, as well as the annual major Upgrade with new features taken from the items that you put on the WishList.
Please ensure that you regularly use >Check for Updates [on the opening screen of the program] to get the very latest version of TimeTabler (it's currently v5.054).
The current version of Options is 3.015, and the current version of StaffCover is 3.007.
To see what your current version is, click on HelpMenu->About...
Options 2011 will be released soon (see more details below).
We are working on significant
new features for TimeTabler 2011 (more details soon).
5. Installing the software if you get a new computer
If you buy a new computer (at home or at school) and want to know the best way to transfer the programs and your data to it, there is an article in the KnowledgeBase.
To find the article, just click on :
and then
type 'new machine' into the Search Box :
There are now over 150 expert articles in the KnowledgeBase, another good reason for using TimeTabler and Options.
. This month's Key Topic : Dealing with Part-timers
This month's featured problem/solution is about part-time staff, who can be a big problem for the school timetabler.
There are 2 kinds of part-timers:
(a) 'Fixed' part-timers, who are available only at fixed, pre-determined times of the week.
You can easily specify these fixed times in TimeTabler, on the Staff Availability Screen.
For more details, see Sections H2, H3
in your Manual, and HelpMovie No. 19
(b) 'Floating' part-timers. For example, a part-timer may have a contract to teach for 4 half-days in a week, but you (using TimeTabler) can decide which are the best 4 half-days for a good timetable solution.
For more details, see Section H4 in your Manual, and HelpMovie No. 20
Remember : you can access the HelpMovies (video tutorials) from within the program by clicking on:
If you have any queries on this topic, please contact the HelpLine via the Support Centre:
7. News
The latest MIS (admin system) to provide a dedicated import for data from TimeTabler is Administrator's Plus from Rediker Software, www.rediker.com
The full list is shown at http://www.timetabler.com/admin(MIS)systems.html
8. Thinking ahead to when you will need the Options program
We have now completed the new features for the Upgrade to Options for 2011, and we are currently finalising the HelpScreens.
You can see some details of the new features at: http://www.timetabler.com/PDFs/OPT-2011-Appendix.pdf
The new version will be released soon.
You can pre-order via : http://www.timetabler.com/PDFs/Options2011-UpgradeOrderForm.pdf
If you haven't yet used the Options software (eg. for devising the best subject blocks for your Year 10 and Year 12) then you can download a free Tutorial version from www.timetabler.com
Best wishes,
Chris Johnson
Keith Johnson
and the rest of the Team
PS1. If you know another timetabler, who might be interested in the contents of this Newsletter, please feel free to forward it to them.
PS2. To see last month's Newsletter, click on: http://www.timetabler.com/eNewsLetter/NewsLetter--September-2010.html
You can 'daisy-chain' back to earlier NewsLetters.
PS3. Next month's Newsletter (November) will include articles on planning for next year's curriculum and timetable.
PS4. Please ensure that you use > Check for Updates regularly, so that you always have the very latest version. Make sure you keep up to date !
* PS5. This Newsletter is geared to the first term in the UK. Our apologies to our international Users, but we hope that you will save this Newsletter until the appropriate time of year for you.
To unsubscribe from this eNewsLetter list, please contact : keith@timetabler.com