Our Timetabling NewsLetter

Sign up for our free monthly eNewsLetter


The latest news on timetabling, direct to your inbox …

We send out a free eNewsLetter every month.  Each one covers the range of timetabling topics that are relevant during that month.  See the Sample below.

The main topics tend to be about how to do things in our TimeTabler software, but the NewsLetters also include a range of general timetabling Principles for all school timetablers (or for anyone interested in timetabling).

Just enter your Name, Email address & School in the boxes below, and click the button.  Then we will send you an email confirming that you want to receive free monthly NewsLetters [until you tell us to stop].
If you suspect that your school’s system may block the eNewsLetter, then please provide your home email address (or both).

If at any time, you have any thoughts or questions arising from the NewsLetter, please let us know, using the contact details on our ‘Contact Us’ page.

Timetabling NewsLetter Sample - September

To receive your copy each month, enter your details in the boxes below then click the button: