TimeTabler Special NewsLetter : Coronavirus
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Dear Timetabler,
The spread of the coronavirus is having an unprecedented effect on our lives, and is already affecting schools severely, with more complete closures expected soon.
In these difficult times I am writing to explain the best ways to continue working on your timetable at Home, with the assumption that schools will re-open in September* and need a timetable ready by then.
Please be assured that all our usual Help & Support is remaining securely in place and will continue to be available to you.
The Licences for TimeTabler and Options allow you to install the software at Home as well as at school (so long as it is for the purposes of the purchasing school).
This special NewsLetter takes you step-by-step through the main stages of working at Home.
In this issue:
1. Installing the software at Home.
2. Transferring your timetable Data from school to Home.
3. Tidying-up your data, in order to re-use most of it.
4. Sharing your work with colleagues, remotely.
5. Getting Staffing Data from Heads of Subjects, remotely.
6. Courses: their continuing availability.
7. Order Forms if you haven't yet ordered.
1. | Installing the software at Home There are 3 ways to do this: |
A | If you still have the link that we sent to you when you purchased this year's version of TimeTabler or Options, then just click that link while you are on your computer at home. This will download a file called Setup.EXE, which will install the program. See also https://www.timetabler.com/Download-Instructions-TT.html |
or | ||
B | If you can't use method A, then you can use a USB 'memorystick', at school, to copy ALL of the contents of the folder in which you installed TimeTabler (or Options). This folder is usually, by default, at C:\TT4win for TimeTabler and C:\Optwin for Options. The total size of this folder with all its files is usually less than 1 GB and so will fit on to a USB memorystick (or you can save it to Dropbox or similar, if you prefer). Then, at Home, copy all of the folder from the USB memorystick (or Dropbox) to your Home computer. |
or | ||
C | If you are unable to use methods A or B then contact us at: accounts@timetabler.com and explain the situation, and we will send you a new link (to use as in A above). | |
Once installed then use the Check for Updates button to make sure that you have the very latest version. ![]() |
2. | Transferring your Data Once the software is installed, then for methods A and C you will need to transfer your timetable data from the school machine to your Home machine. Details for this are in HelpMovie 10. ![]() In outline: Backup at school (on a USB stick or to Dropbox) to get the files called TT4Data.BAK (for TimeTabler) or OP2Data.BAK (for Options) ...then on your Home computer use File Menu -> Restore in the program to load in the file. |
3. | Tidying-up your data If you haven't already done this, tidy-up your data so that you can re-use as much as possible. The best way is described in HelpMovie 8. ![]() |
4. | Sharing your work with colleagues, remotely You can share your work with colleagues and the Senior Management Team electronically and easily: |
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Save your work as an HTML file (or an Excel file), using the Export button. The most useful places to do this are: - on the Curriculum Diagram Screen, section D22 in your printed Manual or HelpMovie 28. This is useful if you want to discuss the Curricular Structure, Number of Sets, Option Blocks, etc. - on the 'master' Class Timetable Screen, section J15 in your Manual, and HelpMovie 59. This is useful when you get to the scheduling stage, so you can share details of the timetabled lessons, and eventually the completed timetable. |
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Then send an email with the HTML file attached to it. The recipient can then view it in their usual Browser (Chrome, Safari, etc). |
There is more on this (and the other topics) in articles in the KnowledgeBase. | ||
5. | Getting Staffing Data from your Heads of Subject, remotely You can of course do this by asking them to send you, by email, Word files or PDFs with details of who they wish to be the Teacher of each group. But there is a neater way, explained in section D15 in your printed Manual and in HelpMovie 27A. ![]() In 4 steps: |
(i) | Go to Curriculum Diagram Screen -> Proforma & Analyses -> Curriculum Audit Screen, and balance the Supply & Demand for each subject. See also section D15-step-1 and section D16 in your Manual, or see the ![]() |
(ii) | At Curriculum Diagram Screen -> Proforma & Analyses -> 2a, create a Proforma spreadsheet for each subject ...and then email them to the Heads of Subject. | |
(iii) | When you get back the completed Proformas, load them into TimeTabler via: Curriculum Diagram Screen -> Proforma & Analyses -> 2b. The Heads of Subject will have done the bulk of the work for you. | |
(iv) | Go to Curriculum Diagram Screen -> Proforma & Analyses -> Staff Loading Screen, and check that the loading for each teacher is correct. |
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6. | Timetabling Courses The Timetabling Courses that are advertised regularly in the monthly NewsLetter will continue to run in Market Harborough (unless completely banned by the Government). If you have enrolled for a Course at Market Harborough, or are thinking of enrolling, then if you have any queries at all please contact MIST at mist@mistservices.co.uk Alternatively, if you would like to book an on-line Course / webinar then please see https://mistservices.co.uk/Services/timetabling_course.aspx?servId=98 or contact MIST at mist@mistservices.co.uk |
7. | Order Forms, if you haven't yet obtained TimeTabler, or Options, or StaffCover | |
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If you are a completely New purchaser : https://www.timetabler.com/PDFs/OrderForm.pdf | |
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If you wish to Upgrade to the most recent version of TimeTabler, or Options, or StaffCover, the latest Upgrade Order Forms are at the bottom of this page : https://www.timetabler.com/upgrades-renew/ |
Be assured that all our Help & Support will be available as usual, including the 24/7 Support Centre.
Details of Gold-Start at:
More details of the full range of Help at : https://www.timetabler.com/PDFs/Help-in-12-Ways.pdf
We hope you remain safe and well during this worrying time,
Best wishes,
Chris Johnson
Keith Johnson
and the rest of the Team
PS1. If you know another timetabler, who might be interested in the contents of this Newsletter, please feel free to forward it to them.
If you are not yet a Subscriber, but wish to be put on the list, please contact : keith@timetabler.com
PS2. Please ensure that you use > Check for Updates regularly, so that you always have the very latest version. Make sure you keep up to date !
* PS3. This Newsletter is geared to the second term in the UK. Our apologies to our international Users, but we hope that you will save this Newsletter until the appropriate time of year for you.
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