How to Export to your MIS (SIS) or Admin System


Overview of Exporting:

When you have completed your timetable in TimeTabler , you can export your final schedule to any of the MIS (Management Information Systems) listed below.
All exports are with the full agreement and cooperation of the MIS Supplier concerned, and in many cases we are also Official Partners of the MIS/SIS/Admin-System supplier.

The documentation (which you can read by clicking on the links lower down the page) describes what you have to do, in detail – and it comes in 3 parts:

  • Export-Doc-1    Preparing your data for Export  (scroll down to Part 1 below)
  • Export-Doc-2    Exporting from TimeTabler  (scroll down to Part 2 below)
  • Export-Doc-3    Importing into your MIS system   (scroll down to Part 3 below)

Who needs to be present ?

You will need your admin or data manager, who has access to your MIS.  You will also want your timetabler available, so s/he can run TimeTabler and advise on the export steps and resolve any issues.

Can you check or export my timetable for me ?

If you prefer, then our Training Partners, MIST Services, offer 2 services:
(1) a service where the TimeTabler data is checked and reconciled and ensures all the validations ‘pass’, allowing your timetable to be imported into your MIS (typical price: £75+vat). If this is of interest, please email:   or
(2) a fuller service where they will transfer your timetable into your MIS – details here.

My MIS/SIS/Admin-system is not on your list below.
We are happy to link to any third-party system which is happy to import a timetable, so please contact us on the Support Centre with details of your MIS and your contact at the MIS supplier.  We can then contact them on your behalf.



You may also find the following HelpMovies (on specific areas of exporting) useful:

An Outline of the Export process

Exporting: Step 3 (prepare your basic data)

Exporting: Step 5 (teaching group names)

Exporting to SEEMiS (Scotland)

Exporting to DoubleFirst Engage


Links to all the Documentation:


 Part 1    Preparing & entering your data into TimeTabler (before you come to export):

For most (but not all) exports, you want the names of your Staff, Subjects, Rooms, etc., to be the same in TimeTabler as in your MIS.    For almost all exports, you can schedule using different names if you wish to, and only match when you come to export (so you can schedule in TimeTabler calling a teacher ‘CJo’ even if in your MIS he is called ‘CJOHNS’) … but i
t usually saves time at the end if you make sensible choices while you are entering your data into TimeTabler, from the start.
So we suggest that you use this document while you are preparing & entering your data into TimeTabler:
 Export-Doc-1 : Preparing for Export (400kB).

This document also explains about 2-stage (double) importing, which can be a big advantage to you and to your office colleagues.

Any questions; just ask us on the Support Centre.


 Part 2    Exporting from TimeTabler, step by step (general advice):

Different MIS admin systems have different procedures, but they fall into 5 main types.
Click on the appropriate link below to download the correct documentation:

For SIMS .net,  iSAMS / Ed:gen,  Arbor,  WCBS/PASS/3Sys/HUBmis,  SchoolBase,  Cloud School / Progresso,  Facility (CMIS),  RM-Integris,  Bromcom,  Horizons/Pupil*Asset, ScholarPack,  Room-Booking-System,  SWAN, Rediker-AdminPlus,  IES,  School2000,  BehaviourWatch,  SchoolPod,  SchoolBacs,  Pearson-Fronter (Phoenix) e1,  Denbigh Admin,  Tribal Synergy,  Sleuth,  OnTheButton,  Ed-admin,  TASS,  PowerSchool,  ManageBac,  Edumate,  Veracross, FACTS / PCSchool, Compass, Satchel, etc, 

Click to download the documentation: Export-Doc-2 : Exporting from TimeTabler (400kB)

For DoubleFirst Engage, click here and here.
For Outlook Calendar, click here
For SEEMiS (Scotland), click here.      See also this page on timetabling and options in Scotland.
For Others – follow the on-screen instructions or individual documentation.
Older systems:
For Pearson-Fronter (Phoenix) Gold, click here.
For Nova-T4, click here (80kB).



 Part 3    Importing into your MIS (MIS-Specific information & advice): 

Information about the import to your specific MIS appears below.
In many cases the document is a PDF file; just click on the link to view or download the file.

There is often also advice on trouble-shooting and understanding any problems or error messages.

Please scroll down to find your MIS, then click on ‘Click for documentation‘.  (If you can’t see your MIS below, let us know via our Support Centre).

1  (ex-Capita, now ESS/SIMS)

2 SIMS-Nova-T4

3 Arbor

4 Advanced Learning Cloud School / Progresso   (formerly CMIS / Serco)

5 Advanced Learning (ex-Serco-CMIS) Facility

6 SEEMiS (Scotland)


8 Engage (Double First)

9 Pearson-Fronter (Phoenix) e1 (Malta)

10 Pearson-Fronter (Phoenix) Gold

11 Integris

12 WCBS / PASS / 3Sys / HUBmis

13 SchoolBase (Furlong)

14 Bromcom

15 Rediker AdminPlus 

16 School2000

17 Horizons/Pupil*Asset

18 I.E.S.
19 BehaviourWatch or SchoolPod

20 Denbigh Administration

21 School Cloud / Room Booking System

22 ScholarPack

23 Schoolbacs

24 WebEIM /Agnite


26 Sleuth

27 Ed-admin 

28 Edumate

29 MySchool

30 Tribal Synergy

31 On The Button

32 Veracross

33 ManageBac

34 Academic Calendar

35 Sentral

36 SmartClass
38 Classter

39 TASS  

40 SmartViz
41 PowerSchool

43 PCSchool / FACTS  


45 Satchel


47 Go 4 Schools

49 SIMS-Star (DOS)
50 Customized file
You can create your own custom export file, and choose what data it contains.
See Section L in the TimeTabler Manual.
51 Options
To export your timetable to Options,
see Section 7 in the Options Handbook.
52 StaffCover
To export your timetable to StaffCover,
see Section C in the StaffCover
53 Outlook
Export a calendar of staff timetables to Microsoft Outlook.
See the help files and KnowledgeBase article for details.


Any Questions ?

If you have any queries about the Export, please contact the TimeTabler HelpLine.
If you have any queries about the Import, please contact the HelpDesk for your MIS.