Free Downloads & Tutorials
Free Tutorial versions of our timetabling software, TimeTabler
… and of Options and StaffCover.
These Tutorial (or Demo) versions allow you to install the programs on your computer, and then follow the steps in our Tutorial Booklets, which take you through all the main screens and features, so you can see if our software is what you are looking for. After working through the Tutorial booklet, you can then have a “play” if you want to investigate what other features are available.
But note that our full versions contain extra features not found in the Tutorials, so if you don’t see something you need, please ask. Our software has been used in over 90 countries for over 40 years, so we’ve seen most timetabling needs !
If you have any questions after trying the tutorial(s), please ask us at:

Click/select the image to download your free copy of our TimeTabler timetabling software.

Click to download your free copy of our Options software for analysing students’ options/electives.

Click to download your free copy of our StaffCover software for covering absent staff.
Other resources you may find useful:
See also our range of e-Booklets,
covering a variety of timetabling-related topics.
Click here to read the e-booklets
… and on Readability, and Physics Revision:

Download 7 free Training Packs on timetable principles.

The powerpoint Revision Materials: Free powerpoints on GCSE Physics for You. Essential revision materials.
« Just click on an image above to start the download.
And our free Lesson Loader software is here
If you have any queries, please let us know at:
We will answer any questions you may have about using the software with your particular curriculum.