Are you new to timetabling?
If so, Welcome to the Club !
In some ways, timetabling is the most powerful job in your school or college. It is a big responsibility.
What you decide will affect the lives of dozens of staff and hundreds of students, hour by hour for most of the year !
The art of timetabling is not just about getting everything to fit in . . . it is also about getting a good rhythm and pattern for the learning activities, so that the quality of learning is the best possible.
To do this you will need knowledge, skills and good tools to construct the timetable.
You can get all these — and more — from this web-site:
We provide free information & materials about timetabling . . . for example, an outline of the Timetabler’s year, a glossary of timetabling terms, an explanation of curriculum notation.
There is also our book on Timetabling by Keith Johnson which you can purchase here, called: ‘Timetabling – A Timetabler’s CookBook‘.
This essential guide covers every aspect of timetabling, from A to Z. Click here for details
You will also find a range of e-Booklets, covering a variety of timetabling-related topics, here.
To sign-up for the free monthly eNewsLetter on Timetabling, see the bottom of this page.
There are free downloads of information about how to use key timetabling tests, such as the Combing Chart and the Conflict Matrix.
The free tutorial software lets you practise timetabling skills, in your own time, at your own speed.
If you wish to go on an INSET / Training Course, we can recommend courses and training.
This support can be off-site or in-school in many ways, by our Associates & Partners.
Computers have enormous advantages for constructing an efficient timetable; click here for details of 10 advantages.
Software like TimeTabler will save you time and give you a better timetable.
TimeTabler works a million times faster than you, and can find solutions that a human would need to spend hours to find.
TimeTabler is better than other timetable programs at this – to see why, click here.
A timetable constructed in TimeTabler:
- is guaranteed to work when the next term starts; and
- it gives you neat printed timetables which have their own authority; and
- you can export the completed timetable into SIMS .net and other MIS; and
- it’s easy to modify the timetable if it becomes necessary due to staff illness, etc.
You can download a free Tutorial version of TimeTabler, which allows you to practise timetabling, while the detailed HelpScreens guide you and explain about timetabling.
We provide a whole range of Help & Support, including Gold-Start Enhanced Support for New Users, details here.
You can also download free versions of Options (to get a more efficient Options / Electives system for older students) and StaffCover (to cover for absent staff daily throughout the year).
Each of these comes with a free Tutorial Booklet, which explains how to do these key jobs, using Worked Examples.
Users’ comments Click here to see what other timetablers have said about us:See what experienced timetablers say. |
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Have a look round the rest of this web-site … you will find a lot of things to help you.
And remember to visit again in the future … we regularly add new features and news.
« Just click on items in the menu to see more details.
If you have any queries about the programs, please e-mail them to:
We will answer any questions you may have about using the software with your particular curriculum.