Tell a Friend or Colleague

  • Suggest or recommend this website to a Friend or Colleague ...

    If you have a friend or colleague to whom you would like to recommend this site, (or if you just want to send yourself a reminder), here is the easy way to do it:

    1. Fill in your Name and Email address (so they do not think it is spam).

    2. Fill in the Names & Email addresses of the people you wish to tell. You can tell up to 3 people at once.

    3. There's a standard message, but you can alter it if you wish.

    4. Enter what you see in the 'Captcha' box (just to prove you are not spam!)

    5. Click on the Send button, and then wait until you are taken back to the web-page.

    Any problems; let us know. Thanks !

  • Your details:

  • Friends' details:

  • Please edit your message if you would like to - your message will then be topped by "Dear (friend's name)" and tailed by "From (your name)".
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.